
Harajuku Accessories Keep Tokyo’s Eccentric Fashion Spirit Alive

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TOKYO — Glitter platform footwear, hair clips formed like rabbit skeletons, rhinestone earrings that remember the dresser of a Jennifer Lopez tour in 2001 — the add-ons visible around Harajuku preserve the cosmic glow of a community that turned into as soon as an international epicenter for experimental style however has on account that fallen upon more somber times.

Harajuku Accessories

Fashion is no longer one of the pinnacle hobbies for Japanese teenagers, many of whom feel it uncool to spend immoderate time on their appearance — contributing to what WWD has said during the last few years as a slowdown in Harajuku. According to observers, younger clients now spend time involved in track, laptop games, and artwork instead of fashion. Their hobby has similarly faded thanks to Harajuku’s developing roster of worldwide brands, all of which have endless stores in foremost global cities. Corporate money’s new tenancy in Harajuku has spiked rents there — making it difficult for the impartial stores that made the region famous for surviving.
“Maybe you can see on the road that there isn’t always a good deal specific fashion here among younger people anymore; it’s extraordinary than 10 years in the past,” Tokyo-based designer and breakout style celebrity Tomo Koizumi instructed WWD. “Younger human beings don’t put money into clothes recently in Japan, they spend it on iPhone games, or they spend extra cash in lifestyle shops shopping for dishes, cups, and domestic accessories.”

Trendy adolescents can be disappearing from Harajuku’s streets. Still, they may be quickly replaced using Japan’s influx of tourists (some 31 million in 2018, more than triple the range 5 years prior) who meander via the region’s conflict of winding roads, hunting for Lolita’s rockabillies as if they had been uncommon birds. “I think foreigners think that is Tokyo style, Gothic Lolitas and crazy boys or ladies in Harajuku. When [tourists] arrive, I think they’re the type of upset due to the fact they are no longer there anymore,” Koizumi remarked.

At present, Tokyo’s streets are an interesting take a look at that juxtaposes a location’s Internet-borne popularity with fact. Fashion-conscious travelers parade through Tokyo’s streets wearing bunny ears, knee socks, and ruffles — sharing a sidewalk with native trendsetters whose shipment pants, bowl haircuts, and asymmetrical rings suggest that they’ve genuinely moved on from the cutesy patterns that had been famous in Japan some 10 years in the past.

Harajuku’s accessories provide the weigh down of Chinese, Australian, Korean and American vacationers the influence that outlandish fashions there are nonetheless alive. The footwear, bags, earrings, and hats available at Nadia Corazon, Romantic Standard, Bubbles, and Pinna are mementos of an avant-garde Japan. This is fast disappearing, as the USA’s fashions assimilate with popular styles the world over — a runoff effect of worldwide Internet connectivity.


My passion is all things fashion, beauty and travel. The inspiration for this blog comes from my love of fashion, travelling and exploring the world! This is the space I get to share what inspires me with the people who read my blog.